

The document above is what is known as a priority notice and relates to one of the Titles (118-122 Brisbane St Mall, former Birchalls shop).

There is another similar document (copy not provided here) for 124 Brisbane St Mall, Katies Shop.

It is dated 12 March 2020 and on the face of this information, it 
appears to lodge a transfer of ownership from Cimitiere Custodians Pty Ltd to Launceston City Council. The second part of the property has like  notice lodged too.

A priority notice protects and allows the transfer safely so something can't come between the transfer to LCC and normally is lodged before any further applications.

Dear Minister,

I write to draw your attention to this correspondence and most importantly to the thread of correspondence that precedes it. Furthermore, that lack of a response is particularly concerning not so much from my perspective but from the perspective of the people, ‘concerned citizens’ in Launceston for the most part, who contact me with their concerns – and their evidence for their being seriously concerned.

I am fully aware of the crisis we are living through and especially so as I have been ‘socially isolating’ for almost three weeks now. I am acutely aware of the circumstances we are currently in, deeply aware, given the economic impacts my family and close associates are experiencing. Therefore, I do understand the level of activity you and your department must engaged with at this time. 

What, seems to be on display in this case is the evidence that any ‘trust’ Launceston’s residents and ratepayers might have had in the city’s governance is probably misplaced. At the very least‘bureaucratic hubris’ is apparently quite evident. This is deeply concerning and all the more so in the context of COVID-19 Crisis and the diabolical economic consequences being experienced by so many in so many ways – much of which was unanticipated, not anticipatable in many instances.

What am I and my ‘clients’ asking of you now? It should be obvious to you that there is an urgent need to investigate this matter and its surrounding circumstances in order that the city’s constituency’s interest and wellbeing can be protected – indeed for them to be able to trust ‘governance’ in all the ways that is required.

We look forward to your carefully considered response!

Yours sincerely,

Ray Norman

Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody 
ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” 
David Morrison

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com>
Date: Monday, 30 March 2020 at 12:31 am
To: Michael Stretton <Michael.Stretton@launceston.tas.gov.au>, Mayor <Mayor@launceston.tas.gov.au>, Councillor Danny Gibson <Danny.Gibson@launceston.tas.gov.au>

Good morning Michael!

As is the way of the world, information provided to me last evening by a client, a concerned citizen, who independently gleaned it from the public records, calls into question your advice to me. As you will no doubt recall that was on Friday, 27 March 2020 at 8:03 am. Interestingly, you have not responded to my further questions.

You, and all interested parties, may see the information provided to me on my site via this URL. ... https://raynormanadvocate.blogspot.com/p/b.html

That you have advised me, as you have indeed done and given that you may deem any information ‘confidential’, all this is concerning. More to the point, it is very concerning and especially so in the current circumstances. 

I do understand that you can rely upon SECTION 62/2 of the Local Govt. Act 1993 to justify your actions here and indeed deem it to be “a confidential operational matter”  as you have informed me in the past. 

I will not spend any time at all arguing the point about ethics and moral judgements but it is clear to me that you may well be relying upon that provision and the Director of Local Govt. has advised me that this provision is NOT an emergency power.

Nevertheless, it has been put to me that your actions are deceptive at least, if not mischievous. Both myself and my client/s would welcome your response to that proposition. 

Furthermore, given that for whatever reason I am unable find a record of this transaction on Council’s publicly accessible records new questions arise, question that seem to require an immediate response in order that this whole matter can be brought to ratepayers’ and residents’ attention and on the public record. 

Given that they – ratepayers and residents and not Council staff or elected representatives – will without any doubt at all, not to put too fine a point on it, actually be ‘footing the bill’. Thus, these questions require answers by whoever is qualified to provide the answers:

  • What did the City of Launceston in fact agree to pay for this property given that bit will in due course be on the public record?

  • When is this transaction due to be completed?

  • On whose ‘expert advice’ do you and/or Council rely upon in respect to this transaction under whatever circumstances pertained?

  • Indeed, assuming that it was yourself who negotiated the transaction, on what authority, moral or other, were you acting?

  • When is payment due and how is the transaction being financed and over what timeframe?

  • Where in Council’s formal records is this transaction reported and/or documented?

  • When was it planned that ratepayers and residents be informed about the transaction and in what context?

  • For what strategic purpose did Council acquire this property in the context of Council’s current fiscal distress evident before the COVID-19 Crisis revealed itself? 

Needless to say, it is ever likely that subsequent questions will arise. Therefore, I expect that you, and/or the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, will respond by 10 am today.

I look forward to your early and carefully considered response!



Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody 
ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” 
David Morrison

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com>
Date: Friday, 27 March 2020 at 10:07 am
To: Michael Stretton <Michael.Stretton@launceston.tas.gov.au>
Cc: Mayor <Mayor@launceston.tas.gov.au>, Councillor Danny Gibson <Danny.Gibson@launceston.tas.gov.au>

Good morning Michael,

Could you please inform me which elements of the email are as you say are incorrect? For instance:
  • Is this transaction not going ahead?
  • Wouldn’t the ratepayers of Launceston be exposed to further debt if were to proceed as rumoured it will?
  • Indeed, is this information being openly discussed with the community? If so where can ratepayers get the correct information?
  • Is just the numbers that are incorrect?
I look forward to your response with considerable interest in order that I can do what might need to be done to put my clients’ fears to rest.


Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody 
ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” 
David Morrison
From: Michael Stretton <Michael.Stretton@launceston.tas.gov.au>

Date: Friday, 27 March 2020 at 8:03 am

To Mr Norman,

Just a quick reply to advise that the information contained in your e-mail is incorrect.

In respect to the Council's financial position, I refer you to the Council's Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP): https://www.launceston.tas.gov.au/Council/Strategies-and-Reports#section-2 .  The financials of a large organisation are complicated and it is understandable that they are not easily understood by all, however, you will note from the LTFP that the Council carries very low debt levels and is in a very strong financial position.



Michael Stretton
Chief Executive Officer

T 03 6323 3104 I 

From: Ray Norman <raynorman7250@bigpond.com> 

Sent: Thursday, 26 March 2020 6:18 PM

Dear Albert, Danny & Michael,

Unsurprisingly an increasing number of people are contacting myself and others in the ‘concerned citizen’s network’ expressing their dismay, incredulity and absolute distress. While I have no capacity in these difficult times to offer anything other than a willing ear, I can pass on their fears and concerns.

Figuring large currently is Council’s apparent decision to plunge ratepayers into deeper, and deeper debt than they are already in. There is enormous distrust in regard to Council’s decision making and its capacity to deal appropriately with ratepayers’ liabilities going forward. When local government should be looking to offer a helping hand the converse seems to be the case

The most distressing thing today is the apparent decision to purchase real estate in the city for $11 Million against an estimated $4 Million to $5 Million currently being canvassed as its ‘real value’. However, in a falling market it is anybody’s guess as to what this property might bring on the open market.

The real worry here is that all this is apparently there is an imperative that this information is being deemed as being confidential when the liability is with the city’s ratepayers and residents. Also, it will fall most heavily upon those who are increasingly under financial stress. The apparent rationale here appears yet again to be enshrined in SECTION 62/2 of the Act. 

That this might be fuelling unwelcomed and unhealthy speculation is unsurprising. That Council appears to be oblivious to ratepayers’ legitimate fears and concerns is beyond belief. Thant such a “dodgy transaction” is even being contemplated and toward some mysterious, bazar and speculative outcome, and at this time, and in the current circumstances, and well away from the light of day, people’s incredulity is unsurprising.

The delusion that all this is ‘secret council business’ is a nonsense. Launceston’s underground telephone is abuzz with all kinds of speculation, some very plausible, some less so, and imagining that there is nothing going around, and unproductively, needs serious reassessment. This information comes to me from multiple sources and I am not out there hunting for it.

I intend to sit on all this for a day at the most and I look forward to receiving your response.


Ray Norman

Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody 
ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” 
David Morrison

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