QVMAG – FEB 27.2020


I pose these questions to you in your role as the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery’s Trustees/Governors – the policy determiners and strategic direction determiners relative to the institution. In brief, this is a public institution expending public monies on the institution’s recurrent expenditure. Additionally, over an extended period of time the institution has been ‘entrusted’ with donation of significant ‘cultural assets’ and monies and consequently you inherited the obligation to be the trustees in respect to these ‘assets’.

Fiscally, that translates in broad terms to the QVMAG holding collections estimated to having a ‘money value’ of something in excess $240 Million. And, currently, a recurrent expenditure of something in the order of $7Million PA.

Essentially, the recurrent budget is funded by
  • ‘Conscripted funds’ by way of annual rate demands;
  • An annual State Govt. grant in the order of $1.4Million; and
  • Some income received by way of fees and charges.
In broad terms, ‘the public’ has made, and as likely as not will go on making unless ‘trust’ in the institution is lost, a significant financial investment in the institution. Beyond that, there are much more significant cultural, social and scientific ‘investments’ entrusted to you as the institution’s governance body – the determiners of policy and strategic direction.

Against that background, and the information provided to me by a number people of gleaning information from various sources, I pose the following questions:

1 Is it the case that, as a consequence of Council’s/QVMAG’s restructure that there has been a net loss of two full time equivalent staff members – (2 EFTs) – at the QVMAG?  Furthermore, that being the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council, and in an transparent way, relative to the institution delivering on whatever ‘key performance indicators’ (KPI) determined by you? Moreover, in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets, do you acknowledge your obligations as 'trustees'?

2 Is it the case that the collection conservation section of the institution’s operation has been closed down? Additionally, is it the case, that the relative staff positions as ‘conservators’ have been negotiated terminations?  Furthermore, that being the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever ‘key performance indicators’ (KPI) determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
3 Is it the case that the Resignation of Database Administrator is no longer on staff at the QVMAG and that there is no intention employ such a person again? Likewise, is it the case that there is a cessation of internal digital support generally and indeed projects?
  • Furthermore, that being the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever ‘key performance indicators’ (KPI) determined by you?
  • Likewise, in your capacity as QVMAG's trustees/governors, for a public institution expending public monies when and how did you sanction this significant 'strategic initiative' in an open and transparent way as the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets notional a component of the 'national estate' ?
  • If you have sanctioned this 'strategic shift' where can evidence of this be found?
4 Is it the case that some ‘Collection Officers’ have been downgraded to ‘Museum Assistants’
  • If so, what is the rationale for this strategic action? 
  • Indeed, has it got anything to do with their relevant qualifications and professional standing?  
  • Likewise, upon what expert advice was this strategic decision initiated?  
  • Moreover, what impact does this initiative have relative to KPI and accountability? 
  • Furthermore, it being being the case that this is so, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever strategic KPIs determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
Is it the case that all ‘Curators’ have been upgraded to the position of ‘Senior Curators’? If so, given that 
are essentially ‘research positions’, on what criteria was this strategic decision taken relative to appointments to these ‘new positions’? 
  • In fact, against what KPI were the decisions taken relative to academic qualifications, professional research experience and/or publication record and/or professional standing? 
  • Moreover, was there a process of open competition in regard to the filling of these ‘new positions’
  • Likewise, upon what expert advice was this strategic decision made and the suitability of the candidates informed by? 
  • Furthermore, it being the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever KPIs determined/sanctioned by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
Is it the case that the staffing the ‘art component’ of the QVMAG staffing has seen an increase in FTE despite it being the smallest collection area? 
  • Indeed, what are the strategic implications of this decision and towards achieving what KPI outcomes in program delivery and publication outcomes– publication meaning exhibitions curated, journal papers published, conference papers presented, etc.? 
  • Upon what expert advice was this strategic initiative taken, when and in what context? 
  • Furthermore, given that it is the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered/sanctioned by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets? 
Is it the case that there is an effective decrease by something in the order of one third to staffing of the Natural Sciences collection area? 
  • Is it also the case that this comp[onent of the QVMAG's collection is the largest component? 
  • This being so, what are the strategic implications of this managerial outcome in the context of the QVMAG’s KPI, programming, research funding opportunities, research outputs in the context of council declaring a CLIMATE EMERGENCY with intended impacts upon strategic policy determinations going forward? 
  • If it is the case that ‘management’ has made this determination alone, was is made in the context of what delegated authority and sanctioned by funding agencies – current and potential
  • Indeed, what independent expert advice was considered/sought in the making of this strategic  decision, and who might have provided it and in what timeframe?  
  • Furthermore, given that it is the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
Is it the case that there has been an addition of two new positions, that have been filled by existing staff –Assistant Curator to History and Art ? 
  • Likewise, is at the expense of the Natural Sciences and/or conservation?  
  • Where these positions filled in open competition to ensure the appointees had commensurate qualifications, experience and professional standing? 
  • Against what targeted KPI was this strategic decision made and towards achieving what KPI outcomes?  
  • Furthermore, given that it is the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered and sanctioned by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
Is it the case that the position of QVMAG Director has been made redundant and that incumbent has now been appointed as a “General Manager”
  • Given that it is the case, what is the function of this General Manager and where is it described in order that relative KPI can be assessed in a open and transparent context? 
  • Indeed, against what strategic priority was that decision taken and by whom? 
  • Indeed, was that new position openly advertised as a vacancy if different skill sets and qualifications are now required? 
  • Furthermore, given that all this is indeed the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever ‘key performance indicators’ (KPI) determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the custodians of significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
10 Is it the case that there has been a deliberate reduction in public programs; community engagement services; and the number of in-house exhibitions curated/presented? 
  • Likewise, is it the case that this is due to ‘management’s perception’ that the institution was attempting to achieve ‘too much with too little’.
  • If that is indeed a true reflection of the strategic positioning of the institution, what proactive attempts have been made, or are in process, to ensure that the institution generates more income? 
  • Furthermore, given that all this is indeed the case, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as trustees/governors of a public institution expending public monies and the stewards of significant cultural, social and scientific assets? 
  • Moreover, when and how has the institution’s contribution the city/region’s cultural needs and aspirations been taken into account and in the context of who’s expert advice – in particular the institution’s relevance to the economic impact of cultural tourism?
11 Is it the case that despite the consequences of the current ‘strategic realignment’ of the QVMAG as an operation, it is proposed that looking ahead the operation undergo yet another review/restructure?  
  • Moreover, is it the case that this ‘strategic repositioning’ is to be focused on the QVMAG becoming more ‘commercially viable’
  • If that is indeed so, upon what expert advice is this process being driven? 
  • Furthermore, if this is so, what meaningful consultation processes are being anticipated to engage with the institution’s ‘Community of Ownership and Interest’ ?
12 Is it the case that as a consequence of the current ‘strategic realignment’ of the QVMAG, the institution no longer has a dedicated site-cum-assets manager?  
  • If so, and given the vulnerability of ‘collected material’accessioned or otherwise – and other infrastructure – sensitive and otherwise – on what expert advice was this strategic initiative taken
  • Furthermore, when were the consequences of this initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution’s asset management and protection in regard to delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as custodians/trustees/governors of a public institution holding significant cultural, social and scientific assets?
13 Is it the case that as a consequence of the current ‘audit’ "un-accessioned collection material" has been found/discovered/rediscovered -  apparently natural history material – and deemed to be unworthy of being in the collection and thus accessioned? 
  • Moreover, is it the case that some of this material has been ‘informally disposed of’ – outside the institution and within?  
  • In addition, is it the case some of this so-called unworthy material, possibly donated material, is being stored on-site? 
  • Given the discovery of this 'unworthy collection material', and its potential status as a donation, has it been documented in any way?
  • If is being stored on site, for what purpose and under what conditions is it being stored and for what strategic purpose determined by you? 
  • In respect to this, what expert advice is being relied upon that this material is indeed unworthy and by whom is it being provided? 
  • Furthermore, when were the consequences of this strategic initiative considered by you in open council relative the institution’s collections policy and the consequent management protocols, particularly so relative to accessioning and the deaccession of collection material?
  • Likewise, in respect to delivering on whatever KPIs determined by you in your capacity as custodians/trustees/governors of a public institution holding significant cultural, social and scientific assets is all this taking place?
14 Is it the case that the institution no longer publishes its collection policy online or for that matter anywhere? 
  • As a consequence of this, is it the case that the 'collection policy' is under review and informed by what expert advice and towards what end? 
  • Indeed, in your capacity as custodians/trustees/governors of a significant public collection, what mechanisms have you put in place to ensure that the policy is a appropriate in a 21st C context in the light of the institution's roles community cultural development and a cultural tourism asset? 
  • Moreover, what strategies do you as 'trustees and custodians' of significant cultural property have in place to ensure the security of the collections and that appropriate ethical standards are maintained in regard to appropriate collection management?
  • As the custodians of collections that constitute a significant component of 'the national estate', what protocols have you put in place to ensure the appropriateness of acquisitions, accessions and deaccessions are documented appropriately?
  • As the custodians of collections are you satisfied that the institute's current collection policy represents 'best practice' in a 21st C context and that have you formally sanctioned 'the policy' in the context of accountability and transparency in accord with the trust invested in you?
15 Is it the case that as a consequence of staff losses via resignations and/or redundancy core areas of the operation have lost experienced and expert personnel whom it is not intended that they be replaced? 
  • As a consequence of this strategic initiative, when was this considered or sanctioned by you in open council relative the institution’s policy priorities and relative to whatever KPIs determined by you? 
  • Indeed, in your capacity as custodians/trustees/governors of a public institution holding significant cultural, social and scientific assets in what context have you formally sanctioned this circumstance in the context of accountability and transparency?

Definition: Community of Ownership & Interest

DEFINITION: Community of Ownership and Interest:(COI) – compound noun/proposition – an all-inclusive collective/community of people, individuals and groups, who in any way have multi layered relationships with a place or cultural landscape and/or the operation of an institution, organisation or establishment – typically a network

Usage and context: cultural geography; civic and environmental planning; and community administration 

REFERENCE: Dr Bill Boyd, SCU et al 

CONTEXT: Used in opposition to ‘stakeholder’: one who has a legitimate interest, stake and/or pecuniary interest in an enterprise, endeavour or entity. Also used to demonstrate inclusivity as opposed to the exclusive implications attached to ’stakeholder’.


  • QVMAG Museum Governance Advisory Board Rules ... CLICK HERE
  • QVMAG Research Committee Policy ... CLICK HERE

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